Monday, August 19, 2013

Milk is bad for you?

So today I would like to share something that I discovered about a year ago. It impacted me immensely, but in no way do I feel that others will feel the same. All I want to do in this case is share knowledge, and people can glean from it what they will. I feel a moral responsibility to share this with others. I know many people already know about this, so I may not be sharing something new. It's not really about that though; instead it's about the fact that for your whole life you have been lied to. We know there are many dishonest people and corporations in the world. We know the government is less than forthcoming with many things. How many times has there been some scandal or another gracing the front page of the newspaper?
So here's a big fat lie. Read the link and decide for yourself... I didn't just go to the first page I found on the internet and decide to trust this was true. I did a lot of researching and fact checking so that I could be sure this wasn't a lie. I don't believe that knowing that milk is bad for you will change your life forever. But I prefer to think of it in a different sense. Your whole life you were taught to believe that milk 'does a body good'. Milk, yogurt,cheese, oh it is all a great source of calcium, which is so important for healthy bones. So we'd better hurry up and get as much as possible! We were all puppets in the milk marketing machine.
How many of you as kids saw how fast your house went through that 4 litre plastic jug of milk every week....even every day? For the better part of your life it was a belief, a value that was ingrained in you that milk was good for you. So it must be true, right? I don't mean to not give people credit, I've met many people who know that it's a lie, or at least try to consider it. I also meet people that straight up won't even consider the possibility that milk is bad for them. And I'll tell you why they think that way. I get it, I really do. It was hard for me too. It's a breakdown of your entire life's belief system. It's like me coming to you and saying, "You know how your whole life you thought blue was blue. Well it's not, it's actually green." You'd think I was mad, you wouldn't want to believe me. Just imagine for a minute that I was right, that society lied about colors to you for your whole life. Ok, it's a silly analogy, but that's how silly people sometimes think I am for telling them the whole 'milk is bad' thing. But if you allow yourself to consider it, doesn't it make you mad that you've been lied to this whole time? Doesn't it make you wonder what else you've been lied to about? Don't you want to try to discover for yourself what is real in this world and what is not?
To me, anyhow, it was one of many small discoveries that created a spark in me, to learn more about how we have had our values shaped for us by the higher ups. My real point here is just this. QUESTION EVERYTHING. Don't blindly accept things just because it was how you were raised or it's what everyone else does. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. The problem is, the government and corporations don't want us to obtain that knowledge because they know what we would do with it and we wouldn't follow their ways anymore. Milk companies have spent billions of dollars perpetuating a lie to us to keep us buying their product. They know they'd lose a lot of business if more people knew the truth. I just feel like people have a right to know that, they can do what they want with the information. But just let them have it!

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