It's been an interesting couple of weeks, to say the least. I'm getting ready for finals, which isn't actually anything too difficult or stressful as I only have 2 exams, and I am already well prepared for them. I'm more concerned with finding another job right now. My current/previous job has closed its doors permanently, so I am a free agent right now. Unfortunately, finding work has posed more than a bit of a challenge. Many places aren't busy or hiring, or if they are the competition is fierce. I've had more then one employer tell me that their job postings bring in responses of more than 500 resumes. It can be easy to get discouraged, but I am trying not to have that mentality. I went for 3 interviews this week, and hope to hear from one of them. I also redid my resume, polished it up a bit, along with my cover letter, and have been emailing them like crazy. I also have been going out and dropping off alot of resumes. My goal is to find something by the 15th, no matter what. I, as everyone else, have bills and xmas shopping I'd like to do in the near future!
The silver lining here is that I will be making some big lifestyle changes in the very near future that will help me to facilitate my life. I will also not be going back to school for January semester. At this point, I need to concentrate on working and getting my financial self in order. That does in turn end up helping me achieve my goals; that's the things about life, most goals cost money, whether they be finishing school, travelling, or buying a house. So I'm just going to concentrate on that and myself and my life and what I need to do to get to where I need and want to be.
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